Tour the New Middleton High School

Keira Marckel

The South Entrance of Middleton High School is open for its inaugural school year.



Please join us as we show you around the new Middleton High School!


The North Entrance

The Music Wing

The North Commons: A Video


Follow the path MHS students and staff take daily from the North Entrance to the North Commons in the video above. The North Commons houses the main cafeteria, the only functioning servery as of September 2022 amid the staffing shortage.


The South Commons: A Video


Art and Engineering Classrooms

The South LMC

The Photography Classrooms

The Dance Studios

The Athletic Hallway

The Athletic Office and New Lockers

North Classrooms

The North LMC

Down a flight of stairs is the North Entrance, where we began. Thank you for touring the new high school with us.