A “Clean Sweep” for MCPASD’s Longtime Custodian “Mr. Peanuts”

The Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District was thrilled to celebrate beloved custodian “Mr. Peanuts” on his Runner-Up award in the 2023 Cintas Custodian of the Year contest.
May 29, 2023
For most students, families and alumni of Cross Plains’ Park Elementary School, the name “Rodney Esser” may not ring a bell. But say the name “Mr. Peanuts” and everyone in the town of about 4,000 is sure to smile in fond recognition. Rodney “Mr. Peanuts” Esser has been the custodian of Park Elementary for over 50 years, ever since the school was built on his family’s land. “Mr. Peanuts” is as much a Cross Plains institution as the school itself, and many members of the Middleton Cross Plains Area School District (MCPASD) regard him as a beloved friend and neighbor.
In March 2023, Esser was nominated for the Cintas Custodian of the Year award, joining hundreds of nominees from all over the United States. When voting closed in early April, MCPASD families waited on bated breath for the results. Over the past month, hundreds across the district had voted for Esser, 82, and shared information about the contest on social media.
To the MCPASD community’s excitement, Esser was announced early this month as the Runner Up Cintas Custodian of the Year. In addition to $1,000 and a cleaning supplies package from Rubbermaid, Esser will receive an all-expense-paid trip to the International Sanitary Supply Association (ISSA) Show in Las Vegas, where he and the remaining top 3 nominees will be celebrated for their accomplishments.
For those who know Esser, it will come as no surprise to learn that he generously donated the $1,000 check back to Park Elementary. In an interview with NBC 15, Mr. Peanuts said,“It’s all about the kids in the sense that if I can make a difference in a kid’s life, that’s been my goal…I’ve been successful at that, and I don’t have any regrets.”
Esser is the first MCPASD custodian in recent years to be recognized in the Cintas Custodian of the Year contest, joining one other custodian from Wisconsin, Paul Baerenwald from Mapleview Intermediate School in Kimberly. The first prize award went to Richard “Rich” Toomey from Kelly Mill Elementary in Cumming, Georgia. Over 200,000 votes were submitted in total!
Students from all over the district were thrilled to celebrate Esser’s accomplishment, and organized a surprise assembly this past week at Park Elementary. With the support of the entire MCPASD community, the much-loved custodian has no plans to retire anytime soon.