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Middleton High School | 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, Wisconsin

The Cardinal Chronicle

  • March Publication Out Now!
Middleton High School | 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, Wisconsin

The Cardinal Chronicle

Middleton High School | 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, Wisconsin

The Cardinal Chronicle


Created in November 2017, The Cardinal Chronicle is the student-run, independent, online publication of Middleton High School located in Middleton, Wisconsin. The Cardinal Chronicle aspires to serve as a platform that amplifies the voices of Middleton High School students. The Cardinal Chronicle strives to create accurate, fair, and original content that is relevant to the Middleton High School community.


The content of this publication is created, edited, and published by the student members of The Cardinal Chronicle, and they are fully responsible for its content. Any column, editorial, or letter to the editor expresses the opinion of the author and not necessarily the entire staff. As a public forum, any student, staff member, or community member is welcome and encouraged to share comments and concerns with our editors. To submit a letter to our editorial board, please use the address provided on our Contact page.



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Middleton High School | 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, Wisconsin