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Middleton High School | 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, Wisconsin

The Cardinal Chronicle

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Middleton High School | 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, Wisconsin

The Cardinal Chronicle

Middleton High School | 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, Wisconsin

The Cardinal Chronicle


Student Press Law Center Model Guidelines for High School Student Media

Adopted by The Cardinal Chronicle, February 2018


Freedom of expression and press freedom are fundamental values in a democratic society. The mission of any institution committed to preparing productive citizens must include teaching students these values, both by lesson and by example.


As determined by the courts, student exercise of freedom of expression and press freedom is protected by both state and federal law, especially by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Accordingly, school officials are responsible for encouraging and ensuring freedom of expression and press freedom for all students.


The Cardinal Chronicle is an open forum of student expression. The Cardinal Chronicle should provide a full opportunity for students to inquire, question and exchange ideas. Content should reflect all areas of student interest, including topics about which there may be dissent or controversy.


It is the policy of The Cardinal Chronicle that student journalists shall have the right to determine the content of student media.


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Middleton High School | 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, Wisconsin