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Middleton High School | 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, Wisconsin

The Cardinal Chronicle

  • February Publication Out Now!
Middleton High School | 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, Wisconsin

The Cardinal Chronicle

Middleton High School | 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, Wisconsin

The Cardinal Chronicle

Kaelana Faessler

Kaelana Faessler, Opinions Editor

Kaelana Faessler is excited for her fourth year of being on The Cardinal Chronicle and her second year of being Opinions Editor. She adores music, splurging on concert tickets, and spending her free time reading books. She also loves to play soccer, trumpet, cello and piano. Her favorite season is fall, when you can find her curled up with a pumpkin chai watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, her favorite show. When it comes to writing, she enjoys writing about A&E, Lifestyles, and of course, Opinions.

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Middleton High School | 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, Wisconsin
Kaelana Faessler