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Middleton High School | 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, Wisconsin

The Cardinal Chronicle

  • March Publication Out Now!
Middleton High School | 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, Wisconsin

The Cardinal Chronicle

Middleton High School | 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, Wisconsin

The Cardinal Chronicle

Mary Beth Johnson

Mary Beth Johnson

Mary Beth is a junior and aspiring political journalist. This is her first year writing for The Cardinal Chronicle, and she is very excited. Outside of writing, she plays ukulele, volunteers to phonebank for the election, and loves hanging out with her friends. MB’s favorite food would have to be avocado rolls, but pumpkin pie is a close second. Her favorite movie is Mid90s and favorite book is IT by Stephen King.

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Middleton High School | 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, Wisconsin
Mary Beth Johnson